Early Intervention Service Systems: “Avanzando Juntos”
What is early intervention?
It is described as services and supports that are available to families, infants and toddlers with delays in their development or disability (Departamento de Salud, n.d.)
What kind of services are offered?
Services are provided as written in the Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) and can include speech-language therapies and physical therapy, among others, based on the needs of the child and family (CDC, 2019).
How is it determined if my child is eligible for these services?
You may contact 787-765-2929 ext. 4550 or 4598 to receive more detailed information.
What is Law 200?
Law established in 2004 that assures parents or caregivers of infants or toddlers ages 0-3, be informed of early intervention services (LexJuris, 2014).
What is IDEA Part C?
It is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and it provides federal funds for early intervention services to infants and toddlers ages 0-3 .
IDEA Part B provides federal funds for the education of children with disabilities and requires each state to provide a free, public and appropriate education to each eligible child (CDC, 2020)
I have more questions. Who can help me better understand these laws?
Apoyo a Padres de Niños con Impedimentos (APNI) is an excellent resource for you.
I don't live in Puerto Rico. Where can I find information for the U.S.?
You will find information about the services in your state here.